Saturday, December 31, 2011


Currently working on developing some long term bounce strategies. Swing trading really.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

MF bounce play

MF could bounce if it breaks above $1.24

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

MF bounce play

Looks like above $1.96 would be a better entry.

MF bounce play

MF could bounce if it breaks above $2.39

Friday, October 21, 2011

APKT bounce watch

APKT could bounce if it breaks above $31.00

Thursday, October 20, 2011

PLCM bounce watch

PLCM looks like it might bounce here at $14.81.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

CWTR bounce watch

CWTR looks like it might be ready to bounce here at $0.90

PWAV bounce watch

PWAV could bounce if it breaks above $0.71

Monday, October 17, 2011

Watching SLF and CX

CX could bounce if it breaks $3.33
SLF could bounce if it breaks $23.57

YGE bounce watch

YGE could bounce if it breaks above $3.55

RBCN bounce watch

RBCN could bounce if it breaks above $9.73

VECO bounce watch

VECO could bounce if it breaks above $25.61

EPB bounce watch

EPB could bounce if it breaks above $34.00

Friday, October 14, 2011

Watching AVII

Could bounce if it breaks above $0.81

Stocks watching Friday morning

DEPO could bounce if it breaks above $4.97
NCMI could bounce if it breaks above $12.16
FXCM could bounce if it breaks above $12.89

Thursday, October 13, 2011

HTWR bounce watch

HTWR could bounce if it breaks above $60.01

WTSLA bounce watch

WTSLA could bounce here as it broke above $4.12

Stocks watching this morning

USAT could bounce if it breaks above $1.17.
SMSI could bounce if it breaks above $1.39.
TAC could bounce if it breaks above $21.51.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

DANG reverse bounce watch

Might reverse bounce below 6.11

JVA reverse bounce watch

Might be good for a reverse bounce if price drops below $12.65.

Monday, October 10, 2011

NFLX bounce

NFLX looks like it may bounce it price goes above $109.50

Monday, October 3, 2011

LCC bounce watch

Looks like LCC at $4.65 might bounce here.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Watching JVA

Could bounce above $17.16

Watching ULTA

Lower volume than I would like, but it could bounce above $57.00

HMY bounce watch

Could bounce above $13.23

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Thursday, July 7, 2011


Looks like it could bounce above $18.75

Monday, May 2, 2011

Friday, April 29, 2011

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Trying GFRE for a bounce here at $2.60

Monday, April 25, 2011

Thursday, April 21, 2011


Watching CSR. Could bounce above $5.40

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


CRU could bounce here above $11.80.


Could be a good short below $11.23


Trying some GFRE at $4.09 for a quick bounce.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Watching CRU

Could bounce above $12.48.


Trying a short here on VHC $24.70. Trying to catch it a little early on the one hour chart reverse bounce.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Daily Bouncer Watch List for 4/19/2011

Here is a list of possible bouncers for Tuesday.

CPGI closed at the high of the day and looks like it can continue to bounce above $2.28.
WWE - Bounce play above $11.32.
CNIT - Bounce play above $2.59.
SUTR - Bounce play above $1.50.

Watching FFHL

Looks like it could continue to bounce if it breaks above $2.50.

Watching ALZM

For a move above $0.84 now. Should continue to bounce at that level.


Trying ALZM $0.78 for a bounce here.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Daily Bouncer Watch List for 4/18/2011

Here is a list of possible bouncers for Monday.

GCAP had some increased volume on Friday, which can signal buyers starting to come in. Bounce play above $6.64.
PRI - Bounce play above $23.09, continuation play below $22.58.
CPGI - Bounce play above $2.24.
PWER - Bounce play above $7.59, continuation play below $7.35.
SIMG - Bounce play above $7.15, continuation play below $6.93.
CSKI - Bounce play above $3.05, continuation play below $3.00.
I also think JTX could run a little above $0.51.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Watching JTX

JTX could bounce above $0.51.

Watching ALZM

Looks like it could be a good intraday bounce play above $1.14.


Watching CNIT here $2.44. Looks like it could continue to bounce above $2.44.


Trying SQNS here at $8.68 for an intraday bounce.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Daily Bouncer Watch List for Friday

Here is a list of possible bouncers for Friday.

CBEH - Bounce play above $2.19.
TRGL - Bounce play above $8.59.
AONE - Bounce play above $5.59.
KNDI - Bounce play above $2.47.
LMLP - Bounce play above $2.87.

Daily Bouncer Watch List for 4/14/2011

Here is a list of possible bouncers for Thursday.

I will not be posting charts tonight, as I am getting to this verrryy late.

Still holding MAJC. The volume is low but the setup looks good. Come on volume!

Also watching PEIX, ALTI, LOGI, and USU. DGW looks like it can continue to bounce tomorrow.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

MAJC Bottom Play

Trying MAJC here at $0.47. Low volume, but it looks like it might be turning here. Just need some volume!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Daily Bouncer Watch List for 4/13/2011

Here is a list of possible bouncers for Wednesday.

IMNS - Bounce play above $0.03.
DGW - Bounce play above $3.35.
Watch for HOV to continue to bounce if it breaks above $3.40.
MAJC - Bounce play above $0.46. Needs more volume, but it looks like it is close to bouncing.
VALV - Bounce play above $3.13.
FLPC could bounce if the volume increases.

Review of Daily Bouncer Watch List for 4/12/2011

HOV bounced nicely at the end of the day and reached a high at the close of $3.40, from the buy signal above $3.34. It looks like this may continue to bounce tomorrow.

ONE was a nice bounce play, reaching a high of $14.56 from the buy signal above $14.12.

FLPC reached a high of $0.185 from the buy signal above $0.18, on low volume, even for this stock. Watch for increased volume and maybe it will bounce tomorrow.

FTWR, CJJD and AONE did not hit the buy signal.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Daily Bouncer Watch List for 4/12/2011

Here is a list of possible bouncers for Tuesday.

HOV - Bounce play above $3.34.
ONE - Bounce play above $14.12
FLPC - Bounce play above $0.18, needs more volume.
AONE - Bounce play above $5.84.
FTWR - Bounce play above $1.66.
CJJD - Bounce play above $2.65.
I also like CNOA for a bounce play above $0.17.

Also watching CNIT, AMR, DDSS, CBEH, MAJC and QTWW. Also watching MRGP to continue to bounce.

Review of Bouncer Watch List for 4/11/2011

Great day for the watch list so far!

KKD hit a high of $5.79 from the buy signal above $5.43.

MRGP hit a high of $0.18 from the buy signal above $0.15.

DEER hit a high of $7.65 from the buy signal at $6.95.

KNDI was a nice continuation play. It reached $2.64 from the short signal at $2.72.

Need some volume on FTWR if it is going to do anything.


$5.73. Looks like it might turn here.

Watching CIGX

Looks like it could be good for a quick bounce above $3.63.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Daily Bouncer Watch List for 4/11/2011

Here is a list of possible bouncers for Monday.

KKD - Bounce play above $5.43, continuation play below $$5.14.
MRGP - Bounce play above $0.15, continuation play below $0.135.
I think DEER could continue to bounce above $6.95.
KNDI - Bounce play above $2.90, continuation play below $$2.72.
FTWR - Bounce play above $1.65, continuation play below $1.60.
I am also watching MAJC, AONE, DDSS, VALV, FLPC and ONE.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Review of Daily Bouncer Watch List for 4/8/2011

Not a bad day.

MERU hit the buy signal, went up a little, and then receded quickly.

DEER hit the buy signal above $6.71 and reached a high of $6.95.

IDI hit the buy signal above $1.62 and reached a high of $1.85.

MAJC opened the day above the buy signal, which I usually don't like to play. It was shown why when the stock just dropped for the greater part of the day after that. Volume really needs to pick up for MAJC to really make a move.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Daily Bouncer Watch List for 4/8/2011

Here is a list of possible bouncers for Friday.

MERU - Bounce play above $15.93.
DEER - Bounce play above $6.73, continuation play below $6.38.
IDI - Bounce play above $1.62, continuation play below $1.45. Needs more volume.
MAJC - Bounce play above $0.47.
I am also watching VALV.

Review of Watch List for Thursday

Not a bad day for the watch list.

RST finally broke $14.00 and hit a high of $14.43 on the day.
CNIT broke $2.70 and hit a high of $2.83.
LPH broke $1.60 and hit a high of $1.72.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Daily Bouncer Watch List for 4/7/2011

Here is a list of possible bouncers/bottom plays for Thursday. Some do not have the usual bounce play setup, but I think they are good potential plays nonetheless. The stocks that do not have the usual bounce setup, and for the small cap lower priced stocks in general, I find they are safer to play if they open the day in the previous day's range, and move beyond the buy or short signal during regular market trading hours.

ONE - Bounce play above $14.50, continuation play below $13.86.
LLEN - Bounce play above $6.24, continuation play below $5.85.
LPH - Bounce play above $1.60, continuation play below $1.51.
LOGI - Bounce play above $15.01, continuation play below $14.84.
CNIT - Bounce play above $2.70.
CBEH - Bounce play above $2.44.
SBAY - Needs more volume, but bounce play above $2.32

Continuing to watch MAJC and RST as well.

Watching SWKS

For a bounce play above $27.98

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Daily Bouncer Watch List for 4/6/2011

Here is a list of possible bouncers for Wednesday.

XXIA - Bounce play above $14.13, continuation play below $13.75.
MNOV bounce play above $2.36, continuation play below $2.21.
DGW is setting up nicely. I like the volume and the exhaustion candle. Bounce play above $3.41.
AONE - Bounce play above $6.04, continuation play below $5.90.
MERU - Bounce play above $16.22, continuation play below $14.57.
MAJC has been in the watch list for the past few days. It will likely continue to be because of the potential this play presents. Needs volume to really be in play though. Bounce play above $0.54.
I will continue to watch SBAY and CBEH. Still watching RST to break $14.00.

Monday, April 4, 2011

HEAT Daily Bouncer

Here is a bouncer I missed today. It had a great setup. The exhaustion candle, the high volume, the significant drop. Just about perfect. Unfortunately, I just never took a look at it. Nonetheless, it does show the potential of this play and can be used as a learning tool, so here is the chart. A good buy-in would have been above the high of the previous days candle.

Daily Bouncer Watch List for 4/5/2011

Here is a list of possible bouncers for Tuesday.

MAJC had very little volume today so it would have been tough to play. I still really like this play, and will be watching for higher liquidity. Bounce play above $0.55. I don't really like the continuation play.
SBAY set up nicely after falling today in what would have been a good trade for the continuation play. A nice looking exhaustion candle formed today. Bounce play above $2.33.
CBEH also fell today with what was a good continuation play. A nice exhaustion candle formed today hopefully setting up a nice bounce. Bounce play above $2.31.
OMER bounce play above $5.20. I don't like the continuation play.

I still like RST above $14.00. Also watching NTAP, MNOV, AOB and CVVT for better setups.